Friday, August 21, 2009

Understanding Test

and its time to blog..

Two Understanding Tests(UT) are over..First was Engineering Cost Decision and second one was Aerodynamics..and sadly i feel that i didn do my best for the both UTs..

Engineering Cost Decision was the only module that i fare worst this semester..alot of Cs and only manage Ds for the past two UTs of these module..And as usual i wasn't in the right mindset when i went into the class for my UT..i tried my best and spent hours on fully understanding the right knowledge..but then as usual..wat i realli studied didn come out..the one tat i assumed to have less weightage came and that was a setback tat i couldn't actually handle..this was further more compounded with BEN!..he was sittin beside me and before i could even muster a word to type it down..he was busy holding onto the calculator and punchin in values..and that itself was good enough to make me feel damn stressed out..his loud typing was good enough for me to give up hope on my UT..

Aerodynamics didn't do much good too..Its on paper and it was a difficult task to memorize most of the theory part as Aerodyanmic is full of theory..and i still manage to memorize all the difficult ones..and tis time round..the test was so freakin easy but i still couldn't do it..i concentrated on the difficult ones and ended up just havin some rough ideas on wat are the easy ones..haiz..and everyone had the same feelin as me..Easy but didn't know how to do..

Now there is still two more to go..Statistics and Operation Planning..and i have no idea wat i am suppose to do for statistics..but i am just hoping that i can pull it through..

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