Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School!
Hahaha..tis is the reaction i got from many today when i went to school..After 3 weeks of borin borin holidaes..At last i m back to school..and i m not complain about goin 2 sch but i m damn happi 2 be back in school..Holidaes pushed me to the verge of commitin suicide from boredom..and i seriousli feel school is beta..The onli bad thing is tat i cant sleep for long hours..But still no probs..coz i do enjoy school at times when i m wif frens wher u can laugh out so
MyHotComments is great coz we get the chance to make fun of alot of people..Hahaha.. and of coz..we do get bullied at times...and i m always the victim of bulllyin..and school today was great..Dressed up in a formal shirt which was my New Year Shirt and my fav black jeans..I was very formal today..People were askin whether i goin for dinner later..any marriage?..functions?..haha..vicnes even went 2 the extent of sayin tat i look like an old timer!..WTH!...hahaha..

Breakout 1 :
was as usual spent with Kavipriya..Dinmak..Pavithra...Shamira and Ahil..As usual i was maintainin my silence and others were chit chattin..

Meeting 2:
Then was back in class for meetin 2 and was realli into work..Researchin for the Problem Statement..Phew..can say i did work hard..Hahaha..and the best Part..i manage to finish uo 4 slides of mine and Hajirah by 12pm..Hahaha..coolios!...

Breakout 2:
Ok..Had a very gd lunch in class after Faci ordered Pizzas..I think 4 or 5 pizzas wif drumlets.. somethin like hashbrown..and a few big bottles of cold drinks..After tat i went down 2 meet Chandru and group..Ok..let me list down all their name:
Chandru..Raja..Dinesh..Ram..Anand..Suren..Jeyan..Dinmak..Vicnes..Ahil..Muhes..Sham.. Justin..and of coz there are Sugan..Jaya..Reff..whu wasn ther 2dae..They r realli a funny bunch of ppl and being wif them is such a joy tat i was laughin so much....Damn funny siah..Hahaha...Was disturbin Ram and also the gals whu were walkin past our area.. opposite W3 fun and hilarious..coolios siah!..hahahaha..

Meetin 3:
Borin..Nothin to say..Jus presented well..Tats all..the rest of the time was jus surfin the net..

School Ended:
As usual..wif frens..Bharathi..Jeyan..Ahil..Kavipriya..Dinmak..and Pavithra lepakin wif them b4 goin 2 Causeway wher we meet Muhes and Vicnes whu were oready ther..

My school ended wif me walkin back home all the way frm school..Fun but tirin walk..

Ok..gotta ply psp byeeeee....adiozzzzzzz!

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